My Favorite lines: Kokomi Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.;斉木楠雄のΨ難)MyFavoriteQuotesFromAnimes 2021. 9. 13. 17:34반응형
I'm a big fan of animes and here are my favorite lines of Kokomi Teruhashi from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.! I'm also into learning foreign languages so I put them in 4 different languages: Japanese, English, Korean, and Spanish. Let's get started!
My Favorite Lines: Kokomi Teruhashi (照橋心美) from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (斉木楠雄のΨ難)
才虎君[さいこくん]と 結婚[けっこん]すれば これも 私[わたし]のものに…
If I marry Saiko, this could all be mine.
사이코 군과 결혼하면 이것도 내 것으로...
Si me caso con Saiko, todo esto podría ser mío.
そっ そんな… 私[わたし]の魅力[みりょく]が 効[き]かないなんて! ていうか この島[しま]に 来[き]てから 私[わたし] 影[かげ] 薄[うす]くない?
What? My charm didn't work on him? People haven't been paying attention to me since we came here!
그, 그럴 리가…! 내 매력이 안 듣는다니 그보다 이 섬에 오고 나서부턴 내 존재 약하지 않아?
¿Qué? ¿Mi encanto no funcionó con él? ¡Nadie me prestó atención desde que llegamos!
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